Monday, July 22, 2013

Not positive what to write, so this equals a very random email

Hello, helllooo loved ones!
I have no idea what to write this week. So hopefully this will be a short email but knowing me... tee hee! 
So Barry Vrable should be getting baptized this Sunday, we're going to finish up teaching him everything and this amazing man should be good to go! He's our deaf investigator and is such probably one of the most dedicated investigators we've had. As you have already heard a lot about him just one more quick note that I'm so proud of him for he puts people to shame who decide not to come to church. He has corns or corns on his feet? Not for sure how to spell that but it's worst then ingrown toe nails and yet with the pain he has walked to church before and it isn't that close to where he lives plus it's hot and humid here. He also has liver failure and is in pain from that and yet he will ride the bus, walk, do whatever he has to and comes to church. It's beautiful. I really pray that we all don't take church for granite, God always has a message awaiting us and for our hearts if we will listen. 

This week has been good and bad and funny altogether. We had exchanges on Wednesday and I got to go see my Hermanas! Oh I love them and the Hermana's are a trio companionship too. So I was with Hermana Gillett and Hermana Howard (another Sister Howard in the mission but she's going to Argentina when her visa comes) and Hermana Duong went to my area which by the way, Hermana Duong is such a Christlike example. She is incredible and just loves people and is ahhh so insightful and stellar! I love the Hermanas! It was a needed exchange because things were getting a tad difficult with my companions. But things are much better now but earlier this week it was hard. I am so grateful to God though, I prayed for stronger faith and this is a beautiful way He is teaching me to work on all attributes of faith, hope, and charity. It's been a great challenge! Anywho I was very grateful for the Hermana's and their insight on things and they just do things at a very nice pace that allows the spirit to really work. And I was able to see that this trio companionship is a good opportunity to learn how to work with other people's paces and find balance. The Hermana's trio is working out really well because they are different enough personalities that it works where as our trio presents a tad challenge because we all are similar so it's a little harder. I am really excited though and happy because last night and this morning we seem to be finding that balance a lot more.

Speaking of balance, I am so grateful to my mama and papa! I had written a letter to them a while ago about being worried about my bubbly side of my personality in if it was Christlike or not. I am so grateful for what they wrote and it was sweet timing because before I read either of my amazing parents letters I was able to see this for myself in action. When I wrote that letter I tried sacrificing that part of my personality, I tired to be more serious and "mature" and I was really sad at the end of the day. I constantly still felt the spirit but something was off. So at our district zone meeting (which the spirit was really strong at) and when I was with the Hermana's it was very freeing because I just felt loved and accepted and was so grateful to everyone and the Hermana's because it brought that bubbly side out of me. I couldn't contain it and I couldn't stifle it any longer, and when I just allowed myself to be me and bubbly, I was free! I just felt so much happier, I felt life was more vibrant and I felt alive in Christ. After exchanges I was debating if it was ok or not and I felt the spirit so much stronger and I was happy. And it was perfect timing when I got my dad's letter and was reconfirmed when I read my mom's sweet words, I will cherish that forever. It was really cool as well to hear after exchanges from my Sister's that one of our returning member family's, the Benally's that they really missed me. It made me feel so good to hear that because I love them dearly and Alicia Benally doesn't like people but I have felt like we have really bonded and it just made my day to hear that they really missed me! 

Anywho I'm embarrassed to write about me, it's just really nice to start seeing the reasons of why I was chosen for a mission and specifically for this area and the people I am so grateful to have met and continue to meet and to see things about myself I never realized. It's weird and cool, my companions have mentioned that I have the ability to connect with people and it's cool for me to finally start witnessing this for myself how others really do open up to me. So woot, I will continue to be bubbly, in case any of you were stressing, ha ha but even more then being bubbly I will continue to strive to reflect God's love and have that love. 

I'll have to write more about the Benally's and the Herrera's they are fantastic, I'll save it for next time. Oh and ha ha while I was on exchanges I met this funniest little Spanish kid name Alex, oh my hilarious. He is only 4 but it HUGE for his age and has the most energy I have ever seen. He was so funny running around the little apartment with his little chubbiness shaking. He was doing this really funny voice and singing and high pitched squealing when he'd get excited. He also did this really impressive horse neighs, seriously it was legit and sounded like a real horse, I couldn't stop laughing with that kiddo. Ha, especially when he climbed up on his dad, stood on his legs and started shaking his bum and making Tarzan noises. Oh man, if only I had a video to send you all. 

Anywho, wow, I mostly just babbled this email and sorry for not really having any cool miracles to write, tee hee we have a lot happen that it's hard to know what to write and a lot of weird things to. Ha! 

I love you all and oh read The Ensign :) they have a really cool article about a 53 year old man who went to law school, it's an awesome story. And also the Looking into the Eternities, I'm so thrilled for the life after this! Woot! Aren't you all just excited to be apart of laying the foundation for Christ's 2nd coming?!!! So cool!!!!!

I love you, I love you, I lovvvveeeee you and know that I'm praying for what you'll have asked for! 

So MUCH LOVE and Gratitude for you,

Love Sister Tasha C. Bush

P.S. I have the BEST parents in the world! Seriously! 

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