Jasmine's Baptism
Familia & Friends,
In the words of my companion Sister Hanna, "I feel like I am going to explode with joy!" I echo that feeling! :D ha ha! We had the very fortunate, happy opportunity to see our investigator Jasmine be baptized on Saturday. It was Sister Hanna's very first baptism of her mission & what a wonderful one it was. The spirit was so strong before the baptism, the speakers talks were all so inspired & there were unseen angels in the room. We had two talks on Baptism because we didn't think Brother Stubbs was available, but he was able to also. We
decided to just go with it & have 2 talks on baptism & it was inspired & needed. Oh & Lauren (she was the other speaker on baptism) she graduated with Jasmine & knew her from high school, she bore a very heartfelt testimony on baptism. She is such a selfless person & very giving, she picked up Jasmine & her friend Robin, & Jasmine's sister Sydney & she bought them donuts & got flowers for Jasmine. We also found out later that it was Lauren's birthday, what an example, she put God first even on her birthday, I love members like this! Brother Stubbs said many inspired things that our investigators needed to hear, it was perfect. The spirit was strong during Brother Carpenter's talk on the Holy Ghost as well. Excellent talks.

After the talks we went from the chapel to the baptismal font & she wanted a convert to baptize her. Our ward mission leader was a convert & it just seemed appropriate for him to baptize her. I think it really brightened his day to have had that opportunity. I will cherish the memory of Jasmine coming up out of the water for the rest of my life, she was beaming & had a grin that went from ear to ear & she exclaimed in an expression of joyous laughter, "Thank you!" as she hugged Brother Martin. My heart was filled & I felt in that moment I really understood the phrase, "My cup runneth over with love."
There are times in life that I wish I could have captured on film that I could watch these kind of memories over & over again when I'm having a hard day. I treasure it so much! Especially as my companions & I waited outside the bathroom for her, everyone else were in the chapel watching bible videos & Mormon messages. We just hugged each other & said a group prayer of gratitude & for Jasmine to be watched over & enjoy this the rest of the day. She seemed so peaceful & happy after & a little overwhelmed from the spirit. I don't think she has ever experienced this much peace in her life, it was nice to see her taking
it all in as we walked back to the chapel. There was a resounding feeling for me of this is why a mission is so worth it - this makes it so worth it! This makes everything worth it!!! To see someone learn & know about Christ atonement & that they know they are worth it because of Christ, because He made it all worth it.

I was so proud of Jasmine, at the end of the Bishop welcoming her into the ward she asked if she could get up & say something. She got up & thanked every one for coming & she bore her testimony of how hard things had been the week of her baptism, she had even thought about postponing it but then she said when you know something is true you don't. She also talked about why she asked a convert to baptize her because she said that she wanted someone who understood what it was like to really search for it & work for it, it is different from when you are born into it, you don't have to find it like converts have to. She had such a beautiful testimony!!! When you know something is true you don't delay it! That was one of the best baptisms of my mission.
I know Jasmine's ancestors are eager for their work to be done, & they were definitely there, Jasmine has powerful work ahead of her. I can't wait to get her started on family history & for her to be able to go to the temple!!!
There are many more souls to bring to Christ fold. In the area blessing I had from Bishop Chatfield at the beginning of this transfer he said there was a lot of work for me to do in this area and that there are souls here that it is imperative you find them. I pray I can find all of these souls, luckily we are all surrounded by people to teach on missions or off. We will be having transfer calls this Saturday & I'm nervous, I love my companions & I love this area but I have a feeling I might not finish my mission in Naples which is crazy but then again not because I have been transferred so much. Yeeha!
Back to that point, my companions & I have talked a lot about what we want to apply from our missions & who we want to be after the missions, we are thrilled to stay strong & be hasteners of God's work. The time is now, this is serious. It is so important to listen to the spiritual promptings we receive even if we don't see the fruit of our labors in the moments. Recently we were driving & I saw a man walking his dog, the spirit gently & strongly told me to talk to him. It was hilarious because we were in our car but even though we looked like creepers I couldn't ignore the spirit, I hate regretting not listening to the spirit. So I told my companions, "Can we pull over? There's a man & his dog" Ha ha. We parked on the side of the road & got out & walked back from where we passed him. It was comical because he watched us, super awkward, came up & asked him how he was & that we were missionaries inviting people to check out this (Mormon.org) website. He was nice but not very receptive, completely understandable & he took the care & thanked us & told us he was Catholic & went on his way. I love the spirit! It is funny, we haven't heard from him but I know there was a reason for that & I am happy I listened to the spirit. Plus I got a good laugh from it. WOOT!
There was another man a while back named Danell & we were biking to the church & biked past this man who had a fridge in his truck & we stopped because perfect moment of service. We helped him get it down from the truck bed & showed him the "Because of Him," video & gave him a Mormon.org card with our number & church address. We tried our hardest to offer to teach him but it wasn't working. He was kind, but made it clear he wasn't interested in taking the discussions but he did give us his email for our online missionaries to send him the weekly emails. Missionary work= positive interactions with others &
preparing them for when they do accept gospel. Always bear testimony either in action or words it will stay with people for the rest of their lives. They will remember, the spirit will not be erased it becomes ingrained in people's hearts.
By the way how cool is this Sister Beck had found this a while back it's from Saul to Paul's conversion experience, compare it to Joseph Smiths!!!!!
"13 At midday, O king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining round about me and them which journeyed
with me." (Acts 26:13) Awesome! Christ & God stay consistent, not confusing.
Oh & yesterday was so rewarding seeing Jasmine receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!! My HEART is SO FULL!!!! I love you all & hope your hearts are full too :)
Speaking of hearts being full, I had an amazing personal study this morning & Luke 8 is powerful & well as Ether 12. Oh hey connect Hebrews 11 with Ether 12 wonderful. Oh I also learned today from Luke 8:15 it is patience unto perfection, have you all read the ensign? Read read read it for the month of July, it's great! I finally get what Becoming Perfect in Christ really means :) life is much easier to
breathe & happier lived now.
Alright I have gone on enough, I love you allll so very much! Oh Joanna, she is amazing she finished the Book of Mormon already & wanted more to read, she is going to read it again & she now knows about Doctrine & Covenants & Pearl of Great Price, what a delight she is!!! Now we just need her boyfriend to propose to her so they can be married & she can be baptized this month! Oh & sad day Sam did come across anti Mormon stuff, but he is still in contact with us but we
haven't been able to have another lesson with him so we are praying he'll come back to church & learn! Anywho I love you all so much & the gospel brings so much hope & everything!!!!!
LOOOooooooooOOOOOOOOoooooooVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVeeeeeeeee You!
Sister Bush
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